Legislative Information

VFW Action Corps Weekly – the best way for you to stay up-to-date on what’s happening with veteran legislation. Sign up now.  www.vfw.org/advocacy/grassroots-efforts/vfw-action-corps-weekly
Federal Bills can be found at www.congress.gov
Georgia’s US Senators: www.senate.gov/states/GA/intro.htm
Georgia’s US Representatives: www.house.gov/representatives#state-georgia
Georgia’s State Bills: www.house.ga.gov
Georgia’s State Representatives: www.legis.ga.gov/members/house
Defense & Veteran Affairs: Georgia House of Representatives committee for current legislative issues: www.legis.ga.gov/committees/house/90
Georgia’s State Senators: www.legis.ga.gov/members/senate
Veterans, Military, and Homeland Security: Georgia Senate committee for current legislative issues: www.legis.ga.gov/committees/senate/137

Georgia State Legislative Chairmen:

  George Fields  fields.george@ymail.com
  Mack Key  key.mack@yahoo.com

National Legislative Chairmen:

  Tony Dobbins  tony.dobbins@georgiavfw.org
  Sherrod Conyers  sherrod.conyers@georgiavfw.org
At the State level, we focus on state legislation that protects the benefits already gained on behalf of veterans. We champion new issues on behalf of veterans that will enhance their quality of life that may have been impacted as a result of their service to our Nation. All politics are local. Our grassroots advocacy efforts on veterans’ issues begins with us. During the VFW calendar year, we will solicit issues from Post members that will be consolidated and voted on for prioritization. Once prioritized, the issues will be our calling card for visits to Georgia House and Senate representatives. The list will also serve as our report card to determine which leaders are working on our behalf.

Recently Passed Legislation

  • House Bill 414 which provides behavioral health services to military service members, veterans, and their families.
  • Senate Bill 195 – Freedom to Work Act, which facilitates licensure of transitioning of service members, military spouses, and other qualified workers who have certifications or work experience from the military.
  • House Bill 128 provides for representation of minority women and veteran-owned businesses in State contracts for construction, services, equipment, and goods.
  • Senate Bill 21 revised operations for the Georgia Veterans Service Foundation, Inc.